Category: Humor

August 26th, 2017 by admin

In one of the last journalistic coups for the hard copy Village Voice, it has finally been revealed what President Trump has been doing online when he is not tweeting. The recent article is the result of an extensive investigation into the President’s online activities, drawing from a number of deep state sources. These unnamed sources reveal that when not on Twitter, President Trump has been playing Words with Friends. Sources also reveal that there is strong evidence that the President has been cheating using a number of word services so that he almost always wins.  A noted critic of the President, contacted for her opinion on this story, noted that “It is further evidence of Trump’s compulsive need to win.”  The White House press office had no comment.


This article was brought to us by our infrequent contributor, C Michaels.

Posted in Satire

December 26th, 2010 by mch

The federal government is always looking for opportunities for efficiency and effectiveness.  In a discussion over the holidays, a suggestion was raised that, should it be implemented, could address simultaneously at least two major problems facing our nation in this difficult time.

The proposal is to combine full body scanning at airport entry points with leading edge medical technology to provide all of those who fly with up-to-date diagnostic or preventative health information.  So we could address two problems at once: (1) ensuring the safety of air travel, and (2) reducing the cost of health care.  Why, just think of the savings to Medicare with all of the snowbirds being scanned for free!

It is this kind of innovative, out of the box thinking, that is going to save us from the looming debt crisis.  Let’s look for more opportunities like this.  (BTW – the next word in the Online Merriam-Webster Dictionary as of today is “loon”!)

Posted in Humor